I just remember I created this blog. After many years I'm back. I'm still learning about the whole blogging thing. Still trying to figure out why so many around the world are so fascinating about it. Still trying to understand how more than a few become famous with this. So, let's do this. Let's put my life out there. Let's share with all of you out there.
After starting this blog lots of things have change. The most significant? The crazy decision to move 3,300 out of my comfort zone. To move away from my roots, my people, my language, my raza. In a few months will be my two years anniversary of coming to LaLaLand. Most people were in shock when they got the news I was gathering my stuff and going to L.A. Most were supportive. Some not so much. But who listen to the "Debbie downers" anyway? Nobody I say. I thought about it. Hard. Made a plan. And here I am. It's been definitely some interesting experience. After a few months I said: "huh? I guess we are not in Kansas anymore." to my self tho cause I don't have a dog or any other pet by all means. Is definitely not my 100x35 Caribbean island. Is a crazy city full of energy and vibrant people. Is a world full of new things to explore. It's been two years and I'm barely learning my way around.
There's hundreds of blogs out there talking about the same things: life, love, food, work, dreams, desires. So I guess this one will be another one in the pot. This one will be about an ordinary woman trying to be extraordinaire. An ordinary woman who try to leave her life as honest and real as she can. I invite you to...no, no, no. I ask you to be part of my journey. I ask you to go with me along the way and help each other to go around this crazy world. Let's do this together. yes? are you with me?